Friday, 6 July 2012

Why travel products sell online?

There has been a recent spurt in e-commerce business worldwide. A wide range of consumer products, branded or non-branded, are being sold from the online platform. Although the success of these online stores depends on a number of factors, some products, by virtue of their very nature, make for good online sales items. Travel products such as the cheap air tickets, hotels and holiday packages are some of these good online selling items. What makes these products good for online sales?

Customers Restricted from Seeing Products
Buying airline tickets is different from buying other consumer items since you can visit a retail outlet to see other products but not the airplane seats. Since there is no option of seeing the seats in real-life before buying the tickets, it does not make any difference whether these are bought online or offline. Since online medium of purchase is far more convenient and also provides all required information, it becomes the preferred medium of booking flights. The same is also true of the hotels and holiday destinations where the customers have restriction or limitation which prevents them from seeing these before buying.

Presence of Independent Credible Reviewers
Since you cannot see the travel products most of the time before buying these, who would you trust for advice and suggestions? There are companies which review and rate the different travel products and their suppliers on regional and global basis. These provide credible information resources for ascertaining the quality of travel product. Presence of these companies has facilitated online commerce in travel products.

Uniqueness and Localized Nature of Products
Travel destinations are unique in their own respect and localized in nature. These might have been replicated in different countries but are separated by great distances. The same is true for hotels and airlines as well. Due to their highly localized nature, it is not possible for people from faraway lands to see them in real and also, these products cannot be taken close to customers. So, selling of cheap domestic air tickets, lowest airfare international flights, hotels and destination packages is witnessing an increase. 

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